The Drug Approval Process In Japan

the-drug approval process in japan

The drug approval process in Japan is less complex and easy when compared to some other countries beyond the language barriers. In addition to regulatory considerations, the PMDA offers sponsors consultation to assist them in understanding the prerequisites and the detailed procedure for drug approval. As a result of this positive change, many manufacturers choose to register and sell their medicines in Japan.

Note: This article was revised & updated in August 2022.

the-drug approval process in japan

Japan’s pharmaceutical market is one of the largest markets in the world. The Japanese pharmaceutical market will expand at a CAGR of 1.06% from 2022 to 2027 as per a report. Japan’s gross domestic product (GDP) is around $5 trillion. The market value, which includes non-prescription medications, is about $95 billion from the figures of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW).

Various analysis reports also prove that the country’s market for drugs and medical devices will continue to grow further. According to experts, this occurs due to the rapidly aging population and the need for new medications to treat related conditions. Japan imports about 35% of its prescription medications from the US, and this demand is growing day by day.

Regulatory authority for drug approval in Japan

There are the two crucial regulatory bodies that review and approve drugs and medical devices in Japan are

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) services

PMDA provides the following services in drug regulatory