Alberta Childcare Subsidy & Federal Affordability Grant

Yes, our day homes are eligible for government funding!

As a licensed agency, we are able to access government funding for childcare for our families, thereby helping to reduce the cost of childcare. As of January 1, 2022, this includes a combination of Alberta Childcare Subsidy and the Federal Childcare Affordability Grant.

Eligible families can receive both the Alberta subsidy and the Federal grant.

Both types of funding are paid directly to the program so your fees are reduced – no need to pay the full fee, then wait for the funding.

We’re here to help you understand your options and access government funding. Learn more about each type of funding below.

What is the Alberta Childcare Subsidy?

Alberta Childcare Subsidy is a program that assists eligible families with childcare costs for their children attending regulated child care programs – such as family day home programs overseen by a licensed agency.

Subsidy is an income based support program and you may qualify for full or partial subsidy based on your circumstance, including if you are looking for work, are attending school, or you or your child have a special need.

You must apply for this funding, but it will be paid directly to your program. Learn more about what’s required and how to apply here.

NOTE: As of 2022, the income threshold for subsidy has been increased significantly. Families with a combined income of up to $179,999 are now eligible!

Subsidy for Licensed Home-Based Childcare

Family IncomeSubsidy Amount for Full Time (100+ hrs)
$0 to $119,999$266
$120,000 to $124,999$253
$125,000 to $129,999$239
$130,00 to $134,999$226
$135,000 to $139,000$213
$140,000 to $144,999$200
$145,000 to $149,999$186
$150,000 to $154,999$173
$155,000 to $159,999$160
$160,000 to $164,999$146
$165,000 to $169,999$133
$170,000 to $174,999$120
$175,000 to $179,999$106

Part time rates are pro-rated based on hours (80 hrs = 80%) Source

What is the Federal/Provincial Childcare Affordability Grant?

This funding is not income based like the Alberta Subsidy, but rather based on your child’s/children’s age(s) and the hours of care they receive. Like the Alberta Subsidy, this funding is only available through regulated childcare programs.

We apply for this funding on your behalf and apply it directly to your fees.

Affordability Grants for Licensed Home-Based Childcare

0- 19 months19 months to under 3 years3 years to kindergarten age
Full Time$487$452$417
Part Time$175$162.50$150

More info can be found here.

How to Apply for Alberta Childcare Subsidy

You can apply online up to one month prior to care. Here’s what you’ll need to apply:

  1. A valid MyAlberta Digital ID account
  2. The name of your day home agency (NOT the individual educator)
  3. The following information for yourself and your spouse/partner
  4. Your most recent Notice of Assessment (from your income taxes)
    1. Income (line 15000)
    2. Medical expenses (line 33199)
    3. Education expenses (line 32000)

    Frequently Asked Questions (Alberta Childcare Subsidy)

    Can I transfer my subsidy from another program to CRFDH?

    You can transfer subsidy if you move from one childcare facility (or licensed dayhome agency) to another:

    1. Use the online Change of Information form or PDF to change the name of the program you are attending
    2. Share a copy of the confirmation page with our agency

    How long does my subsidy last? Do I need to renew?

    Conditional approval is typically granted for 2-3 months upon application (this will be clear in your letter of approval). You will need to renew your application at the end of this conditional approval period.

    If you receive full approval, the period of time that you’re approved for will vary – sometimes a year, sometimes less (again, this will be clear in your letter of approval). This means your subsidy will require renewal periodically.

    You should receive a reminder from the government when your subsidy is set to expire and will you need to reapply / renew. You can do this easily online.

    Can you pull up my subsidy information or make changes for me?

    The agency is a third party contracted with the government, not an actual branch of the government. We have no involvement in the application process or the subsidy system itself.

    Your subsidy/application information is a confidential contract between you and the Alberta Government.

    You can view your approval status, renew, and/or make changes to your application online using your MyAlberta Digital ID.

    I was conditionally approved - what does this mean?

    This could mean couple of things

    Most day homes are not able to honour conditional approval because they will not receive funds from the government on your behalf until there is full approval.

    This means, until you’ve received full approval, you’ll be responsible to pay the full amount (minus any Affordability Grant).

    Once your subsidy is approved, your account will be adjusted (credited for any applicable subsidy backpay).

    Is subsidy retroactive?

    The application form will ask you for your child’s start date in care. You can enter a date up to 30 days in the past . It will not be retroactively applied beyond this time period. For this reason you should apply for subsidy as soon as you can to not miss any government funding!

    How does funding work on my monthly bill?

    1. You register for full-time or part-time
    2. You apply for Alberta Subsidy and provide us with proof of conditional or full approval
    3. We apply for the federal Affordability Grant for you, based on your enrolment full time (100+ hours) or part time (50-99 hours)
    4. You only ever pay the parent portion of the fees
      • Parent portion = the full fee – AB Subsidy – Affordability Grant
        • E.g., $1000 full time fee – $200 subsidy – $300 grant = parent portion of $500
        • You pay the parent portion ($500) for the month in advance (e.g. January’s fee is paid at the beginning of January).
        • Note, your first and last months of AB Subsidy may look different as they are based on actual hours of care (80 hours = 80% of subsidy)

    Important Notes:

    For other questions please contact the Alberta Supports Contact Centre at 1-877-644-9992.