Annual Gun Law Scorecard

For more than a decade, Giffords Law Center has graded states on their gun laws. And every year, we find that states with strong gun laws experience lower gun death rates. The solutions to American gun violence aren’t a mystery—we simply need more leaders who will stand up to the gun lobby and embrace the commonsense policies proven to save lives.

Grading the States

Throughout the year, our legal experts track and analyze gun legislation in all 50 states, assigning laws and policies point values based on their respective strengths or weaknesses. States are ranked and given letter grades, which are then compared to the most recent gun death rates released by the CDC. Since we started this project in 2010, the evidence has been clear and consistent: strong gun laws save lives, but only in the states that are willing to act.

View a state’s scorecard by selecting it on the map, or switch to the table to view a sortable list of all state grades and ranks.

Strongest Laws Weakest Laws 1st–10th
gun law strength 11th–20th
gun law strength 21st–30th
gun law strength 31st–40th
gun law strength 41st–50th
gun law strength Most Gun Deaths per Capita Fewest Gun Deaths per Capita 50th–41st
gun death rank 40th–31st
gun death rank 30th–21st
gun death rank 20th–11th
gun death rank 10th–1st
gun death rank 26–30 deaths
per 100k 1–7 deaths
per 100k 8–15 deaths
per 100k 16–21 deaths
per 100k 22–28 deaths
per 100k 29–35 deaths
per 100k

Gun Death Rate (Ranked)

Gun Death Rate (per 100K)


Get in Touch

Want to strengthen your state’s gun laws? Our experts routinely partner with lawmakers to craft lifesaving firearm legislation at the state and local levels. We’re also happy to speak with researchers, advocates, and members of the media interested in learning more about evidence-based strategies for preventing gun violence.

Gun Laws Vs. Gun Deaths

Gun violence has worked its way into nearly every aspect of American life, and national gun violence rates are on the rise. But there is good news: in states committed to gun safety reform, the gun death rates are significantly lower.

Unfortunately, the inverse is also true. Of the 20 states with the highest gun death rates, 17 received Fs for their gun laws and none received As. Mississippi, a state with some of the weakest gun laws in the country, has 10 times the gun death rate of Massachusetts, which boasts some of the strongest laws. America’s inconsistent patchwork of gun safety laws leaves all of us vulnerable—guns from states with weak laws cross state lines, undermining progress and driving violence rates up, particularly in cities.

Until every state across the country stands up to the gun lobby and follows the lead of states with comprehensive gun safety laws, gun violence will continue to plague our communities.