Here is how you get going. It does not take long to start making offers and putting deals together. Watch this video first.

admin 2018-11-01T16:09:07+00:00 Categories: Quick Start Lessons | Tags: Video |

Quick Start Video

Many real estate investing training programs have good information in them, but the big problem is that you get buried in details and can not figure out how to get started. The Push Button Method is a HUGE program. It is easy to get lost and overwhelmed by it - it is like drinking from a firehose. That is why I created this Quick Start section for you.

admin 2018-08-08T14:38:13+00:00 Categories: Quick Start Lessons | Tags: Video |


The For Rent Method – Introduction

This series of videos and audios teaches my entire For Rent method. You are going to learn What it is, how it works and how it makes you money.

The For Rent Method Basics

You will learn how to structure a no money down deal.

The For Rent Method Calling Script – Introduction

This series of videos and audios teaches my entire For Rent method. You are going to learn What it is, how it works and how it makes you money.

The For Rent Method Calling Script

As soon as you understand what the "For Rent" Method is, you need to understand how to make the offer to a Seller. I give you the script to use (you can download it from the link below) and I'll show you how it works. It's as simple as getting on the phone with easy to find, free leads and reading directly from this script.

Lease Option Agreement Memo

This is the specially crafted, one page document that allows you to gain control of a property, legally, ethically and profitably.

The For Rent Method Calling Script

Here is the script you need to help you say the right things to sellers and get your deals accepted.

Talking To Sellers – For Rent Method

Introduction – Talking To Sellers

This is perhaps the most important part of becoming a real estate investor. You need to know how to talk to Sellers. You need to be able to make an offer that will be a win-win deal and will make sense to them and solve their problem. If you master this process, you will never be broke again.

Live Calls To Sellers

This audio is amazing. You will hear LIVE calls to sellers by my students who are sitting in front of a group of my mentor students. You will hear them close deals. These guys show you exactly how to do it, everything from what they say to the way they say it. This is an exercise of learning how to think on your feet.

admin 2018-07-11T19:24:16+00:00 Categories: Talking To Sellers, The For Rent Method | Tags: mp3 |

Role Playing Seller Conversations – High End Properties

Here`s an interview with one of my successful mentor students in California. He tells how to do upside-down, high end properties with the For Rent Method. We even did a seller conversation roll play that you can emulate. IMPORTANT FOR INVESTORS IN HIGH END MARKETS.

Role Playing Seller Conversations With Joe

This is segment from a recording of one of our mentor coaching calls. I role play with a student and teach him how to make effective offers to sellers. Listen to these audios over and over to get the words in your head. If you do, the words will just start to come out naturally.

admin 2018-07-11T19:23:08+00:00 Categories: Talking To Sellers, The For Rent Method | Tags: mp3 |

Lease Option Agreement Memo – For Rent Method

The Lease Option Agreement Memo – Introduction

This is the one page Memo that is simple for any Seller to sign because it doesn`t commit them to anything, but it DOES make you a Principal in the transaction. That makes it legal for you to sell the property WITHOUT a license.

admin 2018-07-11T19:23:01+00:00 Categories: The For Rent Method | Tags: Video |

Lease Option Agreement Memo

This video shows you the document and walks you through it line by line so you can understand it and explain it to your Seller. Taking control of a property is as easy as filling out this quick document. Then all you have to do is sell it and take your cut.

admin 2018-07-11T19:22:56+00:00 Categories: The For Rent Method | Tags: Video |

Online Lease Option Agreement Memo – Introduction

We used to only be able to fax our Lease Option Memo or meet with the seller in person to get them to sign. Then came email and we created a pdf file that we could attach. THEN, at last, we created an online form that will allow the seller to open his browser and digitally sign the form on our own website.

admin 2018-07-11T19:22:50+00:00 Categories: The For Rent Method | Tags: Video |

Online Lease Option Agreement Memo

This online form makes getting signatures from Sellers that much quicker and easier. There is nothing as easy as putting together a deal without meeting the seller, without seeing the property and without ever leaving your house.

admin 2018-07-11T19:22:46+00:00 Categories: The For Rent Method | Tags: Video |

For Rent Method Seller Website

For Rent Method Seller Website – Introduction

A big part of the program is the Web Sites. This is the Seller - For Rent website designed to get Sellers to agree to selling their property on a Lease Option and allowing you to find the Buyer and take the Lease Option fee as your profit in the deal.

admin 2018-07-11T19:22:39+00:00 Categories: The For Rent Method | Tags: Video |

For Rent Method Seller Website

When a Seller has filled out the opt-in form on this Seller website I designed in the past, our experience has been that 100% will sign the Lease Option Memo and allow you to sell the property for a profit. This is a very powerful website.

admin 2018-07-11T19:22:19+00:00 Categories: The For Rent Method | Tags: Video |

Automating Rent To Buy Seller Marketing

How To Get Rent To Buy Sellers To Agree To Your Offers Without Speaking To Them – Intro

This is a complete system for finding Sellers and getting them to agree to work with you doing the For Rent Method in a way that will make you a profit.

admin 2018-07-11T19:21:13+00:00 Categories: The For Rent Method | Tags: Video |

How To Get Rent To Buy Sellers To Agree To Your Offers Without Speaking To Them

If you implement this system the way I teach, you will have a constant stream of qualified Rent To Own Sellers to work with. For a few bucks a week, I show you how to use outsourced workers to implement this marketing program for you.

admin 2018-07-11T19:21:09+00:00 Categories: The For Rent Method | Tags: Video |

Here Are The Results Of Our Elance Ad

Here are the results of our job posting on Elance from the previous video and an explanation on how to pick the best bidder for the job.

admin 2018-07-11T19:21:02+00:00 Categories: The For Rent Method | Tags: Video |

For Rent – Seller Website Email Campaign

These emails can be sent by your elance admin person to every For Rent ad and every FSBO ad in your area. They are designed to drive traffic to your or Rent Seller website to help you build your list and get Sellers to accept your Lease Option Memo.

admin 2018-07-11T19:20:56+00:00 Categories: The For Rent Method | Tags: DOC |

For Rent Method – Elance Ad Posting

This is an ad posting for Elance.com that you can use to post a free ad and find a freelance admin person to send emails to Sellers and For Rent ads. Using a freelancer is very cheap and will bring you a constant stream of highly qualified Sellers.

admin 2018-07-11T19:20:52+00:00 Categories: The For Rent Method | Tags: DOC |

Selling For Rent Deals

How To Sell For Rent Deals In 30 Days Or Less – Introduction

Once you have a Lease Option Memo signed by the Seller, it`s time to find the Buyer and make some money. This video will show you how it`s done.

admin 2018-07-11T19:20:44+00:00 Categories: Finding Buyers | Tags: Video |

How To Sell For Rent Deals In 30 Days Or Less

If you use the techniques in these Buyer videos, you will be able to sell any property that is priced properly within 30 days or less. Usually in two weeks. Pricing is the only thing that will stop you and we discuss that in other videos.

admin 2018-07-11T19:20:40+00:00 Categories: Finding Buyers | Tags: Video |

How To Use Ugly Signs To Build Your List

How To Use Ugly Signs To Build A Huge List Of Buyers And Sellers – Introduction

Ugly signs have been my *Bread and Butter* marketing tools for my entire real estate investing career. They still give us the biggest bang for our buck of any of the Buyer lead sources we use.

How To Use Ugly Signs To Build A Huge List Of Buyers And Sellers

When you start to implement these strategies, you will start to build a powerful Buyers list that you can use over and over - and most of these leads will end up costing less than $1 each - sometimes less than that.

How To Find Someone To Put Your Signs Out For $1 – Introduction

I hate putting out my own signs, so I created this easy to use system to help you find a good person with their own car and gasoline who would put the signs out for pennies.

How To Find Someone To Put Your Signs Out For $1

A lot of my students still put out their own signs, but if you don't enjoy doing it, you can find someone to do it very cheaply if you use these two simple techniques.

Find Someone To Put Out Your Signs – Sign Guy Ad Document

Here is the document we use to find a sign person for Technique #1. We`ve never had it fail to find us someone good.

Find Someone To Put Out Your Signs – Sign Guy Craigslist Ad Document

This is the craigslist ad we use when we advertise for a sign person. It will get you lots and lots of responses from good people who have their own cars, insurance and will pay for gas.

Jim Dralle Teaches How He Built A List Of 1200 Buyers In 3 Months Using Cheap Handwritten Signs – Introduction

Jim built his list very quickly using a combination of techniques that I taught him and techniques that he developed on his own. Great ideas that will save you hundreds of dollars on every deal you do and sell your properties very fast.

admin 2018-07-11T19:21:32+00:00 Categories: Finding Buyers, Using Brandit Signs | Tags: Video |

Jim Dralle Teaches How He Built A List Of 1200 Buyers In 3 Months Using Cheap Handwritten Signs – Audio

Jim is an amazing list builder when it comes to finding Lease Option Buyers. This is an audio of a session he did at one of my Two Day Buying Events that tells you exactly how he did it. Since this was recorded, his list has grown substantially.

admin 2018-07-11T19:21:26+00:00 Categories: Finding Buyers, Using Brandit Signs | Tags: mp3 |

Use Voicemail Scripts To Qualify Buyers

How To Use A Long, Educational Voicemail Message To Qualify Your Buyers – Introduction

When you implement the Buyer list building strategies we teach, you won't be able to process all of the leads by calling them. You need a better way. This video shows you how we use a powerful voicemail script to qualify our buyers.

admin 2018-07-11T19:25:19+00:00 Categories: Finding Buyers, Voicemail Scripts | Tags: Video |

How To Use A Long, Educational Voicemail Message To Qualify Your Buyers

This video explains the Buyer script that educates and qualifies Lease Option Buyers BEFORE we have to talk to them. It also tells us how much they have for a down payment and it does it in a very stealthy way that is very effective.

admin 2018-07-11T19:18:30+00:00 Categories: Finding Buyers, Voicemail Scripts | Tags: Video |

Buyer Voicemail Message Script

This is the Voicemails script itself that you can download and read right into your voicemail service.

admin 2018-07-11T19:18:23+00:00 Categories: Finding Buyers, Voicemail Scripts | Tags: DOC |

How To Use Online Ads To Sell Your Properties

The Most Effective FREE Online Websites To Advertise Your Properties – Introduction

We use several methods for finding Buyers and selling our properties, but using online ads is one of the most effective ways to sell it fast that we use.

admin 2018-07-11T19:18:17+00:00 Categories: Finding Buyers, Online Ads | Tags: Video |

The Most Effective FREE Online Websites To Advertise Your Properties

This video shows you which sites we use and how to post the ads. Most of our properties sell in less than 30 days from ads like these. It's not always the website that sells, it's the way we write the ads that get the high response.

admin 2018-07-11T19:18:07+00:00 Categories: Finding Buyers, Online Ads | Tags: Video |

The 25 Most Effective FREE Online Websites To Advertise Your Properties

These are the websites that my mentor students use most frequently to list their properties for sale. If you use this list ONLY, you can sell any properly priced property in less than 30 days.

1,749 Real Estate Investing Websites

This list is a mass compilation of almost 2000 websites that are directly related to real estate investing. It was created when I sent a message to my investor list and asked for their favorite websites. I didn't categorize it or get rid of duplicates - I just copied and pasted their emails directly into this document. There are 69 pages of websites here - an amazing resource.

Why Your Property Is Not Selling

Why Isn’t My Property Selling? How To Turn Things Around And Get It Sold – Introduction

I learned this information when I was a Realtor many years ago. This video shows you the ONLY reason properties don't sell - it turns out that it's not Location, Location, Location after all.

admin 2018-07-11T19:17:45+00:00 Categories: Finding Buyers, Troubleshooting | Tags: Video |

Why Isn’t My Property Selling? How To Turn Things Around And Get It Sold

If you understand these national pricing statistics you will understand why some properties don't sell. This set of statistics and the way I explain it to Sellers is the most powerful argument you can make to get the property priced properly.

admin 2018-07-11T19:17:35+00:00 Categories: Finding Buyers, Troubleshooting | Tags: Video |

Lease Option Agreement

How To Fill Out The Lease Option Agreement Form Between The Seller And The New Buyer – Introduction

Here is how to use the lease option form for the For Rent Method between the NEW Buyer and the Seller. This is NOT the Lease Option Memo. This video will show you how to fill it out and how to use it with any lease option buyer.

admin 2018-07-11T19:17:30+00:00 Categories: Contracts, lease Options | Tags: Video |

How To Fill Out The Lease Option Agreement Form Between Seller And Buyer

This is not the Lease Option MEMO. It is a regular Lease Option Agreement between the Seller and Buyer. This contract is designed to protect the person who is most at risk in the transaction, the Seller.

admin 2018-07-11T19:17:23+00:00 Categories: Contracts, lease Options | Tags: Video |

Lease Option Agreement – Full Form – Resident Docs

This is the document you use between a Buyer and a Seller in a Lease Option Agreement. It is written and designed to be bulletproof and protect the seller. It also has verbiage that makes the BUYER responsible for repairs - no more landlords unclogging toilets!

Lease Option Agreement – Assignment Form – Resident Docs Addendum

This is the assignment document you use between you, the new buyer and the seller in a For Rent deal. This document is your assignment of interest to the new buyer.


Part 1 – The FOR RENT METHOD – Two Day Buying Event

This series of audio recordings is from my Two Day Buying Event. They explain the For Rent Method and how to implement it. These audios are required listening for all my Mentor Students on day one in my program. I strongly recommend that you listen to all of them more than once.

admin 2018-07-11T19:17:06+00:00 Categories: The For Rent Method | Tags: mp3 |

Part 2 – The FOR RENT METHOD – Two Day Buying Event

This series of audio recordings is from my Two Day Buying Event. They explain the For Rent Method and how to implement it. These audios are required listening for all my Mentor Students on day one in my program. I strongly recommend that you listen to all of them more than once.

admin 2018-07-11T19:17:02+00:00 Categories: The For Rent Method | Tags: mp3 |

Part 3 – The FOR RENT METHOD – Two Day Buying Event

This series of audio recordings is from my Two Day Buying Event. They explain the For Rent Method and how to implement it. These audios are required listening for all my Mentor Students on day one in my program. I strongly recommend that you listen to all of them more than once.

admin 2018-07-11T19:16:42+00:00 Categories: The For Rent Method | Tags: mp3 |

Part 4 – The FOR RENT METHOD – Two Day Buying Event

This series of audio recordings is from my Two Day Buying Event. They explain the For Rent Method and how to implement it. These audios are required listening for all my Mentor Students on day one in my program. I strongly recommend that you listen to all of them more than once.

admin 2018-07-11T19:16:34+00:00 Categories: The For Rent Method | Tags: mp3 |

Part 5 – The FOR RENT METHOD – Two Day Buying Event

This series of audio recordings is from my Two Day Buying Event. They explain the For Rent Method and how to implement it. These audios are required listening for all my Mentor Students on day one in my program. I strongly recommend that you listen to all of them more than once.

admin 2018-07-11T19:16:30+00:00 Categories: The For Rent Method | Tags: mp3 |

Part 6 – The FOR RENT METHOD – Two Day Buying Event

This series of audio recordings is from my Two Day Buying Event. They explain the For Rent Method and how to implement it. These audios are required listening for all my Mentor Students on day one in my program. I strongly recommend that you listen to all of them more than once.

admin 2018-07-11T19:14:49+00:00 Categories: The For Rent Method | Tags: mp3 |

Structuring Zero Down Deals

Introduction To Structuring Zero Down Deals

How to buy and sell real estate with no money and no credit. With the tools in this section, there will NEVER be another property that you will not be able to to make a profitable offer on - EVER. From now on, you will always be able to fulfill your promise in your ads to make an offer.

Part One – Structuring Zero Down Deals

PART ONE: Once you learn the hierarchy of structures, you will always know which type of offer will make you the most money, will be safest and will put you in the most control. This is perhaps the most powerful knowledge toolbox in my program. If you learn this material, you will be a master investor.

Part Two – Structuring Zero Down Deals

PART TWO: Once you learn the hierarchy of structures, you will always know which type of offer will make you the most money, will be safest and will put you in the most control. This is perhaps the most powerful knowledge toolbox in my program. If you learn this material, you will be a master investor.

How To Fill Out The Real Estate Contracts

Step-By-Step Instructions – Filling Out Contracts – Intro

Watch these videos before you start filling out real estate contracts. They will help you understand what you are doing, make it easier to explain to your buyers and sellers and keep you out of hot water.

Step-By-Step Instructions -Filling Out Contracts- Part 1

PART ONE: There are three audios here that last almost 2.5 hours. You will learn how to fill out contract for every Zero Down Structure I teach in the hierarchy. These audios may be the most important audios you listen to if you want to stay out of legal trouble.

Step-By-Step Instructions -Filling Out Contracts- Part 2

PART ONE: There are three audios here that last almost 2.5 hours. You will learn how to fill out contract for every Zero Down Structure I teach in the hierarchy. These audios may be the most important audios you listen to if you want to stay out of legal trouble.

Step-By-Step Instructions -Filling Out Contracts- Part 3

PART ONE: There are three audios here that last almost 2.5 hours. You will learn how to fill out contract for every Zero Down Structure I teach in the hierarchy. These audios may be the most important audios you listen to if you want to stay out of legal trouble.

The Real Estate Forms – and lots of extras

Here are the Purchase Agreement FORMS that you can download. There are contracts here for every Zero Down Structure I teach - already filled out and ready to quickly modify for your specific deals.